3rd Annual Charity Bocce Tournament

to benefit

The Pierce Family Fragile X Foundation


September 28th
at the
Medford Boat Club
(rain date Sept 29)


Come enjoy a day of playing everyone’s favorite game with great friends, food, drinks, prizes and more!

TEAMS will be assembled UPON CHECK-IN the day of event   

$50 per person

(kids under 12 are FREE)

Purchase tickets below or mail check made payable to

The Pierce Family Fragile X Foundation, Inc to 94 Church st winchester, MA 01890

Directions to THE Medford Boat Club: Rt 60W High Street to Mystic Valley Parkway.  

Club entrance on lake side of parkway.


Please contact Michael Pierce with any questions: 781-864-1926 or mfpierce@piercefxfoundation.org